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Health Policy & Behavioral Sciences Resources (PHPB)

Create Alerts for New Items

EBSCOhost Logo

EBSCOhost Databases           


Academic Search Complete

CINAHL Plus with Full Text

LGBT Life with Full Text

  1. After selecting an EBSCOhost database from the GSU Library's subscriptions, log in with your GSU ID as prompted.
  2. Choose any additional EBSCOhost databases you want to search using the link above the search box. Then type your search terms into the box, and click the Search button.
  3. On your Results screen, click the Share button at top right of results list. See the option for Create An Alert, and select either E-mail Alert or RSS Feed).
  4. Set your preferences for frequency of receiving alerts, etc. (click Advanced Settings for more options if desired), then click Save Alert button.

For more information, see EBSCO Help's Creating a Search Alert tutorial.

ProQuest logo

ProQuest Databases


ProQuest Central

Sociological Abstracts

ABI/INFORM Collection

  1. After selecting a ProQuest database from the GSU Library's subscriptions, log in with your GSU ID as prompted.
  2. Type your search terms into the box, and click the Search button. (To search additional ProQuest databases, see the Advanced Search screen.)
  3. On your Results screen, click the Save Search/Alert option at the top-right of results list. Select Create Alert or Create RSS Feed.
  4. Set your preferences for frequency of receiving alerts, etc. Then click Create Alert/Feed button.


For more information, see ProQuest Support Center's Create a Search Alert instructions.

PubMed logo


  1. Search for your key terms in the PubMed search box. (See Advanced Search for additional options.)
  2. On your results page, select the Create Alert button underneath the search box.
  3. Follow instructions to either log in with your existing account or create a new free NCBI account.
  4. Once logged in, you'll continue to the My NCBI tool where you can save and set schedules for your alerts. 


For more information, see PubMed's How Can I Get an Alert? instructions.

Web of Science logo

  1. Register for your free Web of Science account, or log in, at the top-right of the page.
  2. Search for your key terms in the Web of Science search box. (See Advanced Search for additional options.)
  3. On your results page, click the blue Create An Alert button on the left side of the page to set up emails for future search results.
  4. Additionally, see Searches and Alerts at the top of the page for alerts on future uses of a specific citation, or on future contents of a specific journal.

Google Scholar logo


  1. In Google Scholar, create or sign in to your free Google account in the top-right corner of the page.
  2. Search for your key terms in the search box. (See Advanced Search for additional options.)
  3. On your results page, select the Create Alert button on the left side of the page.