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*SOCI 3356 Queer Identities: About the

Some Things to Think About...

Some things to think about... Even though the Internet came on the scene in the mid-1990s, would every teenager have had a computer with Internet in their homes? And, even if they did, would they have felt comfortable searching at home, for fear that their parents might see what they are searching? Would their public or school libraries have had them? And, what are the chances that the school or public libraries' computers might have filters on them, and thus possibly filter out LGBTQ websites?

The Internet, the WWW, and your Research

Many of the library resources linked from this guide are provided "online," and, thus, regardless of your decade, you can use them to identify primary resources from that decade. 

*BUT*, for any decade prior to the mid-1990s, you can't just go Google searching - sorry, folks, but the Internet/WWW (World Wide Web) wasn't around then.

The Internet Archive: Wayback Machine!

Decade is mid-1990s or beyond, and want to find old versions of a website?  Use the...

How to:

1.  First find a current URL/web address for which you want to find older content - for example, GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) organization site:

2.  Go to the Wayback Machine site, type the URL/web address in the main search field, and click Browse History button.

3.  At next screen, in timeline at top of screen, click the year you want to see.

4.  Then, in monthly calendars, click the day you want to see.

*Watch clip of above Steps*