Some things to think about... What would be the likelihood that your average, mainstream theater or TV station in the 1940s, 1950s, etc., would have been showing LGBTQ related films/shows - or even for any of the decades? Before VCRs, DVD players, and now streaming online video, the local theater and your TV would have been your only outlet...
If you were watching "educational" media in school or on a news program, how would its coming from "authority" figures like teachers and the like influenced your likelihood of questioning the credibility of the information?
The Google doc linked here highlights the LGBTQIQA feature films, TV series, and documentary films we have available from the Library on DVD and via streaming film options (Kanopy, Swank, and Films on Demand)
The list is not necessarily all-encompassing of the LGBTQIQA media we have available through the library. If you’re wondering if we have a specific film/TV series, you can search the GIL-Find catalog: And also feel free to suggest purchases if we're missing something.
"Created and produced by John Scagliotti, In the Life first premiered in 1992 on the New York public television station WNYC-TV, a PBS affiliate, and thrived for 20 years as a trailblazer in LGBT representation and equal rights advocacy." [from UCLA Film & Television Archive's "About In the Life" site]
The Celluloid Closet - LGBTQ in cinema from 1920s to mid-1990s - Library North 1st floor, Call Number: Video DVD PN1995.9.H55 C444 2001
Based on book by Vito Russo, The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies - Library North 4th floor, PN1995.9.H55 R8 1987
Fabulous! The Story of Queer Cinema - LGBTQ in cinema from 1920s to mid-2000s - Library North 1st floor, Call Number: Video DVD PN1995.9.H55 F33 2005
The Rejected is generally acknowledged as being the first ever U.S. televised documentary about "homosexuality," broadcast on September 11th 1961. Originally titled 'The Gay Ones', The Rejected was filmed mostly in the KQED studio. Full documentary here.
"The Homosexuals" is a March 7, 1967 episode of the documentary television series CBS Reports, anchored by Mike Wallace. Full episode here.
A video library containing over 30K titles (279K segments) in Humanities & Social Sciences, Business & Economics, Health, and Science.
An encyclopedia of history, this database is a collection of videos providing footage of seminal historic events and hundreds of profiles of great American leaders and personalities.
Prelinger Archives has over 60,000 "ephemeral" (advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur) films from the 1940s onward.
Try a keyword search for homosexual or lesbian - and see what "educational" films teens of the 1960s were subjected to...
A comprehensive, multidisciplinary video subscription containing over 80,000+ titles supporting the entire range of curriculum, from anthropology to zoology.
A video library containing over 30K titles (279K segments) in Humanities & Social Sciences, Business & Economics, Health, and Science.