A starting point for general political science research.
What is SPSS?
SPSS is a Windows based program that can be used to perform data entry and analysis and to create tables and graphs. SPSS is capable of handling large amounts of data and can perform all of the analyses covered in the text and much more.
SPSS is installed on every public PC in the library and computer lab. Click here for a list of software installed on campus lab computers.
Click here for GSU Library's Research Data Services for one-on-one help, workshops, and custom sessions for GSU courses and research terms.
Why Use SPSS?
Excellent graphic user interface makes statistics analysis easier. At the same time, the package still supports syntax programs which offers flexibility and time-effectiveness. SPSS allows you to:
manage, analyse, manipulate and display data,
quickly and accurately perform an enormous number of statistical functions,
present results in a range of formats including graphically,
errors are less likely to occur and effort can be devoted to interpreting results.
Call Number: Atlanta Library North 4: JA71.7 .K57 2013
ISBN: 9781111353797
Publication Date: 2012-01-01
A SIMPLE GUIDE TO SPSS FOR POLITICAL SCIENCE is a supplemental text the can be used with another statistics or research methods text. Designed for Political Science majors, A SIMPLE GUIDE TO SPSS FOR POLITICAL SCIENCE helps students navigate through SPSS while taking a statistics or research methods course. The text includes additional coverage of categorical dependent variables, sample problems, and data sets specifically for Political Science. The American National Election Studies (ANES) database is used for sample problems, providing students with well-known and widely used resources in Political Science.
The following are just a few of the books on using SPSS for data analysis available in the GSU Library. For a list of additional books, clickhere.
Call Number: Atlanta Library North 5: HA32 .W34 2013
ISBN: 9781452217703
Publication Date: 2012-03-13
Ideal either as a companion to a traditional statistics or research methods text or as a stand-alone guide, Using SPSS for Research Methods and Social Statistics is a useful reference for those learning to use the SPSS software for the first time or those with only basic knowledge about SPSS. This student-friendly resource shows readers how to use images and directions drawn from SPSS Version 20 and now uses the latest version of the General Social Survey (GSS, 2010) as a secondary data set.