The most efficient way to find articles on a topic is to search a database, which allows you to search for articles from hundreds of journals at once.
Each database searches different sets of journals, so usually you'll want to search several databases.
See "Getting the full article" box (bottom left) to learn how to access available full text articles.
All of the databases listed below are accessible from off campus. Off-campus users will be prompted for their Campus ID/password.
Provides abstracting and indexing of international relations and political science literature, covering articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and working papers.
A digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. It offers an interdisciplinary journal archive across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences
An indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education.
A business information and research tool used to locate information on a variety of topics, including politics, current events, trends and government data.
Provides limited access to Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Warning: Use of the Factiva service is restricted to reader access of the content for research and education purposes only. Text mining and analytics of the content is not permitted.
Full text of U.S. and international news sources. Includes coverage of several major U.S. and international newspapers such as The Atlanta Journal Constitution, The New York Times, and the Times of London.
This indexing provides access to top news stories, and covers bibliographic information, companies, people, and products ranging from 1987 - current.