Neuroscience Subject Guide

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Librarian Charlene

Profile Photo
Charlene Martoni

Off-Campus Access

Install and login to the Cisco AnyConnect VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your computer so that you are logged into the GSU network and will be automatically routed to GSU-subscribed journals. It’s available for download and instructions for using on the following platforms are available here: Windows | Mac | Android | Apple iOS

NOTE: There's a point where the directions tell you to enter as what to connect to.

Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews are comprehensive literature reviews on topics; they are not empirical articles, but summaries of other empirical studies.  Use them to familiarize yourself with the research in an area and to mine the references for original empirical research studies.   You can browse them or use the Advanced Search to search within specific ones.


BrowZine works by consolidating academic journals from multiple publishers in the GSU Library collection into an easily browsable newsstand format for your mobile device or web browser.

  • Customize your personal My Bookshelf with journals you want to track, or save articles for later reading in your My Articles space.
  • Browse tables of contents and be alerted to new issues.
  • Easily read recent articles or full journal issues.
  • Sync settings/journals between your tablet and phone.
  • Download and save articles for offline reading.
  • Export to ZoteroMendeleyDropbox and other services.

As its name suggests, BrowZine is designed for browsing recent scholarship in journals you read regularly or in tracking specific subject areas.  Older backfiles (pre-2005) are not generally available within this service. For more in-depth research or to find articles on a specific topic, we recommend subject specific databases or Discover search. For access to the library's full range of back issues, please search our Journal List.

Google Scholar

If you are on campus, you will see links to the full-text of articles in a Google Scholar search. Those links are provided by the library's paid access. If you are off campus, you will not see them unless you change the settings on your home laptop/computer.

Here is how you do that:

Go to Google Scholar and click on the three-line "burger" menu in the upper left.

Choose "Settings" and then choose "Library links." In the blank bar, type in Georgia State University and then check the box next to "Georgia State University - Find It @ GSU." Click Save at the bottom and you are all set. You should now see the links and when you click on them from off-campus, you will be asked for your campusID and password which will lead you to the full text of articles.