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MATH 1401H: Honors Elementary Statistics (Brown): Introduction and Research Assignment

This guide will help you conduct your research and effectively cite in your Honors MATH 1401 class for Fall 2022 semester.


Welcome to the library research guide to accompany MATH 1401H with Dr. Keisha Brown!  Below you will find the research assignment as well as my contact information.  On the following tabs at the top you will find information on how to effectively find and cite the sources you will be using for your assignment.

Hi, I'm your librarian!

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Brooke Fry

Research Assignment

The purpose of your project is to use critical thinking and data analysis skills in order to make a decision. You will be able to work on 1 of 4 projects given below. Your team will be decided based upon which project you would like to complete. Your team could be the people on your campus or it could be across campuses.

Option 1: I'm moving from California to Georgia. My job will be in downtown Atlanta. I have 2 children, a 10 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. Select 3 different schools that I should consider sending them to. 

Option 2: I need a newer car. My spouse wants me to get an SUV. The last car that I bought was 4 years old and was $10,000. I have 1 child, and I drive 21 miles (one-way) to work 4 days a week. Select 3 different SUVs (make and model) that I should consider purchasing.

Option 3: I'm originally from Virginia, and I'm graduating high school. I want to major in Computer Science, and I want to attend a university that is in a large city. What are the top 3 schools that I should apply to for college?

Option 4: 2022 World Track and Field Championships Results If you had to give best all-around medals by country, who would win the gold, silver, and bronze?

How will you be graded? You will need to create a presentation about your project. You need to describe your methodology for your selection. You need to use various data sets in order to make your decision. You need to include pros and cons for your options. What assumptions did you make? What criteria did you use to make your decision? One part of the grade will be your level of depth in terms of research, data analysis, and critical thinking used. One part will be your team members' evaluation of you. One part will be your overall 15 - 25 minute presentation where everyone in the group must speak for at least 4 minutes. Another part will be your poster board presentation.