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Tableau: Workshop Materials & Tableau Guides

Learning resources for Tableau data visualization software

Tableau 1: Getting Started

This workshop will introduce users to the basics of using Tableau, a powerful data visualization tool.

  • Importing data
  • Navigating the Tableau interface
  • Creating simple visualizations (worksheets, dashboards, and stories)
  • Saving, publishing, and sharing visualizations

Tableau 1 Tutorial Links

There are plenty of great free tutorials online to review topics covered in our Tableau 1 workshop. Here are a few how-tos to get you started.

Connect to Excel Files

Connect to Other Data Types

Build a Text Table

Build a Bar Chart

Build a Line Chart

Build a Basic Map

Save a Still Image

Save a Workbook

Share a Workbook

Tableau 2: Beyond Basics

This workshop teaches more advanced skills for those who have familiarity with the basics of importing data and constructing basic visualizations in Tableau. Recommended as a follow-up to Tableau 1.

  • Customizing worksheets, dashboards, and stories
  • Working with more complex visualization types
  • Joining data sets
  • Adding calculations to graphs

Tableau 2 Tutorial Links

There are plenty of great free tutorials online to review topics covered in our Tableau 2 workshop. Here are a few how-tos to get you started.

Build a Scatter Plot

Build a Histogram

Build an Area Chart

Build a Combination Chart

Join Your Data

Union Your Data


Filter Actions

Best Practices for Effective Dashboards

Georgia Policy Workshop

The following are the workshop materials for the Georgia Policy Workshop Tableau Sessions Part 1, 2, and 3.

Data for Tableau 1: Introduction to Tableau come from a free public dataset that can be found at

Materials for GPL Tableau 3: Mapping