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Occupational Therapy: Subject Guide: Publishing

Research resources for occupational therapy.

Open Access Publishing Resources

GSU Digital Archives

Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving

Search the links below to determine the archiving policy for inclusion in Georgia State University Library's institutional repository - the ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University. The purpose of the archive is to collect, preserve, and provide access to scholarship produced by faculty, students and staff at GSU. You may deposit your articles, thesis, dissertation, conference presentations, class materials, and other scholarly output in the Digital Archive to make it freely available to researchers. Participation in the institutional repository is voluntary; this is a service that the library is providing to ensure long-term preservation of your work and to increase access to your work.

  1. SHERPA/RoMEO database (summaries of publishers' copyright transfer agreements as they relate to archiving)

  2. List of publishers from the SHERPA/RoMEO database

  3. Publishers allowing the deposition of their published version/PDF in Institutional Repositories

  4. SHERPA/JuLIET database (summary of Open Access policies by various research funders as part of their grant awards)

Watch Out for Predatory Publishers

Have you been approached by a group who has offered to publish your paper? Before you sign anything, learn more about this rising deceitful trend in scholarly research.



SPARC Addendum

SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, offers an Author Addendum, a free legal instrument that modifies the publisher’s agreement and allows you to keep key rights to your articles.

Click here to access the addendum.