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CRJU 4900: Lifecourse Criminology (Chen)




  • Delinquency in a Birth Cohort in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1945-1963, ME Wolfgang, RM Figlio, T Sellin - 1994 - Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. After describing the study features and methodology of an analysis of a cohort of 9,944 boys born in 1945 who lived in Philadelphia from ages 10 to 18, this manual presents the variable description list and the codebook for the individual file.

  • Delinquency in a Birth Cohort in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1945-1963 (ICPSR 7729). The purpose of this study was to investigate the history of delinquency in a birth cohort--in particular, the age of onset of delinquent behavior and the progression or cessation of delinquency. Data were collected on a cohort of males born in 1945 and residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Information provided in the study includes demographic characteristics of the individuals studied, academic performance, offense information, demographic characteristics of victims of offenses, and criminal incident information. (more info)

  • Delinquency in a Birth Cohort II: Philadelphia, 1958-1988 (ICPSR 9293). The purpose of this data collection was to follow a birth cohort born in Philadelphia during 1958 with a special focus on delinquent activities as children and as adults. The respondents were first interviewed in DELINQUENCY IN A BIRTH COHORT IN PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, 1945-1963 (ICPSR 7729).

  • Early Identification of the Serious Habitual Juvenile Offender Using a Birth Cohort in Philadelphia, 1958-1984 (ICPSR 2312). Beginning in the mid-1980s, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) funded the creation of Habitual Offender Units (HOUs) in 13 cities. HOUs were created to prosecute habitual juvenile offenders by deploying the most experienced attorneys to handle these cases from start to finish. By targeting the earliest points in the career sequence of the juvenile offenders, the greatest number of serious offenses can potentially be averted. Selection criteria to qualify for priority prosecution by an HOU usually encompass... (more info)

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