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Science Research in Depth: General Guide: GIL-Find@GSU

A research guide to help you with that first biology, chemistry, physics, or environmental science research assignment. Offers explanations about science research in general and where to go when Perimeter College's libraries are not enough.

Finding Science Books with GIL-Find@GPC


Finding and Using Books

Screen shot of GIL-Find GIL-Find is the the library's catalog. For help using GIL-Find, please try Step by Step Quick Searching with GIL-Find.

Add Power to Your Search

  • To combine more than one main idea, use AND in UPPER CASE. Example: unemployment AND families for the effects of unemployment upon the family.

  • To search for an idea that's a phrase, put it in "quotes." Example: "traumatic brain injury."

Finally, Perimeter college is a community college. If you don't find what you need, consider including eBooks and the Atlanta campus as part of your search. If you still can't find what you need, click the white Library Catalog link in the blue box on the right side of the library web page and set the scroll bar in the big search box to University System of Georgia.

Finding Books in the University System of Georgia

Searching University System of Georgia Libraries

You can also use GIL-Findn to search University System of Georgia insitutions' libraries by selecting Library Catalog from the library web page and then changing the scroll bar on the right side of the big search box to University System of Georgia. See below.

selecting the library catalog     GIL-Find set to search USG

To learn more, please visit Step by Step Finding Books in the University System of Georgia.