A scholarly, multi-disciplinary database providing indexing and abstracts for thousands of journals and other publications. PDF content dates back to 1887.
Full text of U.S. and international news sources. Includes coverage of several major U.S. and international newspapers such as The Atlanta Journal Constitution, The New York Times, and the Times of London.
Provides access to Chronicle.com daily news, data, and analysis of current issues faced by universities dating back to 1989. Also provideds access to the Almanac of Higher Education, The Trends Report, and other newsletters with the creation of a free account.
Provides unbiased coverage of health, social trends, criminal justice, international affairs, education, the environment, technology, and the economy, 1991 present.
Updated weekly, this database offers in depth articles to researchers seeking understanding in todays crucial issues in topics such as politics, business, society and education.
A digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. It offers an interdisciplinary journal archive across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences
This database features a wealth of new material and a new, dynamic interface that makes it easier than ever to explore the events that shape our world
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