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Southern Labor Archives: Curriculum for the PATCO Records: Lesson 2: Images


The purpose of this lesson is to investigate some of the images found in the PATCO collection and to think deeply about them. This is to promote discussion of what our emotional and intellectual reactions are to images, be they photographs, cartoons or posters.

The intent of the discussion is not necessarily to reach any certain conclusion. It is simply to promote awareness of the responses visual materials illicit.  Specific examples of cartoons, posters and photographs are included in the Lesson Resource Packet for this lesson, but PDFs may be accessed at Georgia State University Digital Collections for browsing, downloading and distributing in class.


The Tasks

  • Students are encouraged to use the search function in the digital collection management system for PATCO at Georgia State University Library’s website:

  • Students will interpret and discuss PATCO images:
    • Photographs
    • Posters
    • Cartoons

Activity 1: Photographs

PART I: Keyword Search “Strike Polaroids”

If classroom internet access is available, instructor will navigate to the Digital Collections landing page for the PATCO collection at Georgia State University:

Enter search terms into the search function to find documents for discussion.

See also the NARA Photo Analysis Worksheet in a Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.

**Strike polaroids from the Keyword Search are also available in the Lesson Resource Pack for Lesson 2, Strike Polaroids, to accommodate classrooms without internet access**

  1. Enter the term “Strike Polaroids” into the Search Box at
  2. Select the PATCO folder that displays from the search (PATCO_05_11_13 “Polaroids of Strike, 1981”)
  3. Scroll through digitized polaroids.
  4. Discussion:
    • Can the you distinguish what the picket signs say?
    • What else do you notice about the strikers?
  5. Search “labor contract” and “equitable contract” in an internet browser if you are unfamiliar with the terms.


PART II: Examine Photographs

Instructor will distribute copies (electronic or analog) of photographs from the PATCO collection for close scrutiny.

See also the NARA Photo Analysis Worksheet in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.

  1. Carefully examine the strike photos in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.
  2. Discussion:
    • Are all the strikers members of PATCO or are other labor unions also picketing? What does this suggest?
    • Can you distinguish where were the photos taken? Airports? City streets?
    • What clothing are the strikers wearing? Does this indicate the long time frame of the strike? Does this indicate that the strike took place in many different geological and climatic areas?
    • What are the demographics of the strikers? Are the groups ethnically diverse? Are children present? What else?
    • Are the strikers simply marching or are they engaged in other activities? Why would the strikers do this? (Fundraising? Public outreach?)
    • How do these photographs make you feel? Inspired? Bored? Unable to relate to the strikers? Entertained with the fashion?
  3. Examine the photos that are not of the strikers.
  4. Promote discussion:
    • What do you think of the air traffic controllers? Do they all look the same? What does this suggest?
    • What do you think of the photos of the air traffic control towers and the control room? Would they want to work there? Do the photos give you any understanding of what the job of an ATC is?
    • What do you think of the PATCO board members? What is different about this meeting than we would see in a meeting today? Do you notice the ashtrays and abundant coffee cups? What does this suggest? What do you see in the background of the photo?

Activity 2: Posters

PART I: Keyword Search “Steve Wallaert”

If classroom internet access is available, instructor will navigate to the Digital Collections landing page for the PATCO collection at Georgia State University:

You will enter search terms into the search function to find documents for discussion.

See also the NARA Poster Analysis Worksheet in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.

**Steve Wallaert images from the Keyword Search are also available in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2, Steve Wallaert, to accommodate classrooms without internet access**

  1. Enter the name “Steve Wallaert” into the Search Box at
  2. Scroll down to two yellow pages, which are the front and back of a limited edition print of Steve Wallaert, striker and local tower PATCO president, being escorted from a strike in chains.
  3. Select the first print and the interface should display PATCO_05_07_02, “Newsclippings, 1981.”
  4. Examine the print and the advertisement on the back of the print.
  5. Discussion:
    • How does the print make you feel?
    • Why do you think the poster was printed in a limited edition?
    • Do you find the poster dramatic? Unjust? Startling? Manipulative?
    • What do you think about the advertisement on the back?
  6. Select other documents (such as the PATCO newsletters) from the Keyword Search results to see what else you can discover about Steve Wallaert and the strike poster.

PART II: Examine Posters

Instructor will distribute copies (analog or digital) of strike posters found in the PATCO collection for close scrutiny.

See also the NARA Poster Analysis Worksheet in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.

  1. Examine the strike posters/flyers in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.
  2. Discussion:
    • Why do you think some of the posters have more writing than the others?
    • Are these posters only to announce strikes?
    • Are these posters to raise awareness and education the public of the PATCO strike?
    • Do you agree with the information presented in the flyers?

Activity 3: Cartoons

Instructor will distribute copies (analog or digital) of cartoons found in the PATCO collection for close scrutiny.

See also NARA Cartoon Analysis Worksheet in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.

  1. Examine the political cartoons in the Lesson Resource Packet for Lesson 2.
  2. Discussion:
    • Do all the cartoons carry the same bias for or against the air traffic controllers?
    • Do you think the cartoons are funny? Disturbing? Accurate? Exaggerated?
    • Do the cartoons help you better understand the job of air traffic controllers?

Special Collections and Archives

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Southern Labor Archives

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