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Freshman English: Plagiarism

A guide for students in English 1101, 1102, and 1103

Plagiarism is...

...the act of presenting the words, ideas, images, sounds, or the creative expression of others as your own.

Types of Plagiarism


*Copying a friend's work

*Paying for or borrowing papers that you turn in as your own

*Cutting and pasting blocks of text from electronic sources without citing

*Web publishing without the permission of creators 

*Careless paraphrasing
*Poor documentation
*Failure to use your "own" voice

Why Not Use AI to Write Papers?

*The work isn't your own (violation of Academic Honesty Policy)

*Chatbots "hallucinate" (make up) information, citations, etc.

*Don't reveal where they get their information

*May only have access to limited information

*Don't have access to information behind firewalls (like library databases)


Academic Honesty at GSU

“The Policy on Academic Honesty assumes as a basic and minimum standard of conduct in academic matters that students be honest and that they submit for credit only the products of their own efforts.” 

Policy on Academic Honesty, Georgia State University

To Avoid Plagiarism...

As you make notes:

*Put quotation marks around direct quotes

*Put a P next to paraphrased notes

*Always note author's name and page numbers