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Primary Sources: English Studies: Welcome

Primary sources for literature and language


How may I help you? I'm Leslie Madden, the subject librarian for English. Contact me at or 404-413-2807 to ask me questions or schedule a consultation.

My office is located on the 5th floor of Library South.

You can get help from our Research Support Desk if I'm not available:

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Word of the Day

Visit the Oxford English Dictionary database provided by GALILEO. This database provides the origin or etymology of a word and examples of when the word was first used.

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Primary Sources


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Ways to find primary sources:

  • Search the online catalogs, GIL or GIL-Find, by author or keyword to find published letters, diaries, or journals by your author.
  • Search the online catalog, GIL or GIL-Find, to find an annotated edition of a novel such as an edition published by Norton. Example- In the keyword search put in the words 'Jane Austen' and 'Norton'. These annotated editions often include primary source documents such as reviews from newspapers.
  • Search online databases such as 19th Century Newspapers or Historical New York Times to find articles published in the same time period as the work or author you wish to research.

Humanities Librarian