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International Resources: Subject Guide
Int'l Law
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International Resources: Subject Guide: Int'l Law
Links and resources to information about foreign governments and international organizations.
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United Nations
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Int'l Law
Books & Ebooks
Foreign law : current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions of the world
Thomas H. Reynolds
Call Number: K38 .R49 1989
Located: GSU Law Library Law General Stacks, one-week circulating material (K38 .R49 1989 )
No longer published in print. Most recent edition in library published in 1999.
Index to multilateral treaties
Harvard Law School. Library.
Call Number: Ref. JX171 .H35
Located on Library North 2
A chronological list of multi-party international agreements from the sixteenth century through 1963, with citations to their text.
Treaties in force
United States, Dept. of State
Call Number: Ebook
Treaties in which the U.S. is a party. Access to most recent and archived versions.
Database & Websites
Legal Collection by EBSCO
Foreign Governments
World Leaders by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
The United Nations Human Rights Treaties by
International Law
American Society of International Law - Resrouces
Constitution Finder
EISIL (Electronic Information System for International Law)
Eur-Lex Access to European Union law
Foreign and International Law
Global Legal Information Network
International Justice Statistics
Law Library of Congress: Treaties
NGO Law Monitor
World Legal Information Institute
Int'l Gov'ts, Stats...