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Legal and Constitutional History: Articles

Useful Journals

Key Article Databases

Click here for a full list of the secondary- and primary-source databases held by the GSU Library.

Political Science Article Databases

Using Find It @GSU

Many databases give you only a citation telling you where to find the article, not the article itself.

This button is often a shortcut to the full article text in another database:

Click the Find It @GSU button to open a window with links to the article you need.

If that fails, try searching for the journal title in GIL-Find, or use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request it from another library.

Lost? Stuck? Too many options? Ask a Librarian for help, or contact your History Librarian!

Keywords and Subject Headings

When searching databases, try Library of Congress subject terms as keywords:

  • Constitutional History--United States
  • United States--Politics and government--1783-1809 (or other date ranges: do a subject search for United States--Politics and Government to find range)
  • United States. Supreme Court--History
  • United States. Fugitive slave law (1850)
  • Fugitive Slaves
  • Scott, Dred (or the name of another particular fugitive slave; for ex., Glover, Joshua)

Finding Articles

Use keyword searching in relevant databases. Brainstorm different keywords for your topic and see what happens.

Use Boolean searching (AND, OR, NOT) to expand or narrow your searches. 

Use the drop-down boxes in the database's Advanced Search to help you narrow or expand your search.

When you find a relevant item, click on the record and look for subject terms. Clicking on a subject term will bring up other related items.

Try your keywords and subject terms in other databases, and see what you find!