BrowZine works by consolidating academic journals from multiple publishers in the GSU Library collection into an easily browsable newsstand format for your mobile device.
As its name suggests, BrowZine is designed for browsing recent scholarship in journals you read regulary or in tracking specific subject areas. No pre-2005 content is available through this service. For more in-depth research or to find articles on a specific topic, we recommend subject specific databases or Discover search. For access to the library's full range of back issues, please search our Journal List.
There are several ways to find literary journals.
To find specific journals, choose Journals from the drop-down search menu on the Library homepage and search by the journal title. This search will tell you whether or not we have a particular journal, which volumes we have, and in which format (print, online, or microform).
If we don't have access to a journal, you may request articles through Interlibrary Loan. You will need the complete citation for the article.
To find information about journals, such as publication frequency, publisher, and where it is indexed, use Ulrich'sweb.
Very few journals are still published in print only. How do you find a print journal in the library?
Access for online journals is provided through the Library's databases. If fulltext is not available, online access for many journals is provided through the FINDIt@GSU citation linking system.
1) Download BrowZine by going to the relevant app store for your device and searching for "browzine". It's a free app
2) Open BrowZine and choose "Georgia State University" from the list of libraries.
3) Logon with your campus ID and password. (Don't forget to update this setting in BrowZine when you change your campus ID password.)