Instructions: There are 4 tasks.
Task 1: Revise Part 2 Application of Background Research (if applicable)
This step is necessary only if you want to revise Step 2 based on previous feedback, but you must submit your previous work even if you do not make any revisions.
Based on what you have learned about your social issue, answer the following questions (use the questions as headings):
Pro Tip: Make sure to explain the terms you are using; be as specific as possible. Think ahead to PART 3 of the project and try to summarize the types of information you will need. For example, don’t just say that veterans are vulnerable to becoming homeless after they are discharged. What are the rates of homelessness among veterans? How many veterans are homeless? Are there particular subgroups (e.g., men/women/transgendered? ethnic minorities?) that are especially vulnerable?
Task 2: Identify an Organization and Assess What it Does.
Identify an organization that addresses your social issue. It could local, regional, national, or international. You need to make sure that you will be able to access the information you need (e.g., a well-designed and informative website).
Write a brief description of the organization’s structure and mission. Next, include information from Parts 1 and 2 about how the organization’s definition of the issue aligns with your understanding of it, and the extent to which the organization does or does not address relevant population(s) and contributing factors. (1 page)
Task 3: Create a Logic Model
Identify and describe the conditions that contribute to the need for the organization, organization’s activities, expected short-term outcomes, and anticipated long-term impacts. Write a brief narrative explaining each element of the logic model, but you AND include a graphic of your logic model, such as we completed in class.
Conditions: Describe the conditions that contribute to the need for the organization’s intervention.
Activities: Describe specifically what the organization does to address the social problem.
Outcomes: Identify the specific short-term results of the organization’s activities.
Impact: Identify the long-term changes that will occur as a result of the organization’s activities.
Task 4: Evaluate from a Community Psychology Perspective
Strengths of the Approach:
Describe TWO strengths of the organization’s approach from the perspective of a community psychologist. Consider the organization from the perspective of a community psychologist, what is the organization doing well?
Strength #1:
Strength #2:
Weaknesses of the Approach:
Describe TWO weaknesses of the organization’s approach from the perspective of a community psychologist. Consider the organization from the perspective of a community psychologist, what could they do better?
Weakness #1:
Weakness #2:
Conclusion: Identify additional questions about the organization’s approach and discuss any recommendations for the organization.
Submit Parts 1, 2, and 3 together to the “RAP-Final” dropbox in iCollege. Most likely you will turn in 2 files.
File 1 should be labeled yourlastnamefirstinitial_rapfinal.docx. Use a 12-point font with 1 inch margins and include the following:
Earned Points |
Possible Points |
Part 1: Background Research |
60 |
Part 2: Application of Background Research |
30 |
Part 3: Organization Analysis |
60 |
Organization Description: Describe the organization’s structure and mission. |
5 |
Logic Model: Develop a logic model for the organization’s approach by identifying the conditions (5 points), activities (5 points), outcomes (5 points) and impacts (5 points). |
20 |
Strengths of the Approach: Identify TWO strengths of the organization’s approach (5 points per strength). |
10 |
Weaknesses of the Approach: Identify TWO weaknesses of the organization’s approach (5 points per weakness). |
10 |
Conclusion: Identify any additional questions about the organization’s approach and discuss any recommendations for the organization. |
5 |
Structure and Clarity: Clearly written and easy to understand. |
5 |
Grammar and Spelling: No proper noun mistakes, agreement errors, punctuation errors, spelling errors, etc. |
5 |
By the end of the semester, you will have developed a portfolio of work that reflects a community psychology approach to understanding a social issue, applying your research, and developing resources for action to address the issue. Your portfolio will include
and either
New American Pathways
Atlanta, GA
Friends of Refugees
Clarkston, GA