Journals published by professional associations or a university press will have a panel of scholars who evaluate articles submitted for publication. In other words, thse editorial panels are comprised of the author's peers. If approved for publication the panel has agreed that the article will advance the thinking within the discipline.
Databases sometimes include the full article, and sometimes only have the citation that tells you when and where the article was published.
Often, if the article text isn't included along with the citation, you'll see this Find It @GSU button instead. Click the button to get a list of possible online sources for the article you want. You may get several links if we have the article on more than one site.
Not every journal article is available online, so you may need to find it in print. Search GIL for the journal title, just like you'd search for the title of a book.
The process of finding articles can be confusing at first. Ask a librarian for help if you can't find what you need!
How do I find key literature journals?
How do I find a journal if I have a citation?
For a complete list of of GSU databases, go to Databases A to Z.
These publications cover the most important sources for literature and language study year by year.