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AAS 2010 Introduction to African American Studies - Perimeter College Spring 2020: Using Research Databases

A guide to resources on the impact of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 virus in the African American Community

Which databases should I use?

These four research databases are recommended for AAS 2010 Coronavirus (Covid-19) assignment because they contain many articles appropriate for your current topic. Since this research involves current events it is best to search sources that publish frequently such as news sources  and monthly publications. Some possible search terms are:

  • Coronavirus and African Americans (or African American communities)
  • Covid-19 and African Americans
  • Black Americans and coronavirus (or Covid-19)


Need more options?
Identify more databases for your subject by going to "Databases by Subject" on the Library Homepage. (Hint: Think broadly.  Look for the subject area that would teach about that topic. For example, look for "Business" rather than "advertising strategies")