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Ways to View Data in RStudio

Data in RStudio can be viewed in the a data tab or as output in the console. Environment pane has the name of the datasets that we used on the very top left corner.








To view data in RStudio you may click on the name of the data in the environment. This will open a tab for browsing through data.

There are multiple options to view data in RStudio. You can call on RStudio to show it in the output tab. 

Below is the code for viewing an entire dataset in the RStudio output.

We are simply stating to the name of the dataset to view it in the output. 

We can also specify to see just the first and last six rows of information in the dataset with the code below.

These two lines of code are going to give you the following:

Alternatively, you can also use glimpse() function from tidyverse package to have a quick look at your data.