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PHPB 8100: Research Tools for NIH Grantwriting (F31)

Sources of Public Health Data

Type of Information Source of Information
Population size and characteristics U.S. Census; Bureau of Census; Department of Commerce
Births National Vital Statistics System; National Center for Health Statistics
Deaths National Vital Statistics System; National Death Index; National Center for Health Statistics
Fetal deaths Fetal Death Data, National Center for Health Statistics
Childbearing, adoption, maternal and child health, family planning National Survey of Family Growth; National Center for Health Statistics
Major health problems and utilization of health services National Health Interview Survey; National Center for Health Statistics
Indicators of nutrition and health National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; National Center for Health Statistics
Use and quality of health care in a wide variety of settings National Health Care Surveys; National Center for Health Statistics
Notifiable diseases National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HIV HIV Surveillance; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Cancer incidence, mortality, and survival Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program; National Cancer Institute; state cancer registries
Birth defects Birth Defects Surveillance; Center for Birth Defects Research and Prevention; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Reproductive health Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System; Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System; National Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance System; Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Case Registry; Abortion Surveillance System; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Alan Guttmaker Institute; Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Immunizations National Immunization Survey; National Health Interview Survey; Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; National Center for Health Statistics; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Occupational health Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses; U.S. Department of Labor
Behaviors affecting health Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Alcohol, cigarette, drug use, and mental health National Survey on Drug Use and HealthSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Air pollutant levels Air Quality System, Environmental Protection Agency

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