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PERS 2002: Science Perspectives on Global Problems (Heather Martin Fall 2024)

Use this research guide to help you find information for your Global Approaches to Business course with Assistant Professor Heather Duran Martin.

Your Assignment

You should always carefully review the instructions for the assignment that your professor has provided in iCollege and/or given to you during class before choosing your topic or starting your research. 

Pro tip: If you are meeting with a librarian for help, please bring or share a copy of the assignment with them during your research appointment or walk-in session. Providing a copy of the assignment ensures that they will guide you to the best information and resources. 

Alternative Assignment Formats

Some professors will allow you to use different delivery formats for your final project. Some possible formats might include an art project, digital storytelling, or videos about your topic. You should always check with your professor before investing a lot of time in a new project in an alternative delivery format for an assignment. 

Acing presentations

Sometimes professors will ask you to create a presentation explaining what you did for an assignment. Creating a successful presentation takes different skills than writing a paper. Before you get started, take a look at the video from Wienot Films for some helpful suggestions: