Campus ID
Your Campus ID isn't just used for computer, iCollege and email login. You'll also use it to:
- Access your Library (GIL) Account to renew your library books, check/cancel your requests, get the GALILEO password, and manage your library account.
- Access your Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) Account to request journal articles and books the library doesn't own.
- Access Desktop Article Delivery (faculty and graduate students only) to request electronic versions of journal articles we own in print.
- Access Databases from off campus. Activate your campus ID (or change password) via the Campus ID Help.
Getting Full Text Articles
Databases contain citations, abstracts and often include the full article. You will see the Find It @GSU button next to the citation:
. Click the button to see if the item is available in electronic full text or in print. If we don't have an item, you can request it via our Interlibrary Loan service.