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MK 4200: Marketing Research (Brenda Turner Fall 2024)

Use this guide to find information and resources for Brenda Turner's Marketing Research course.

What is a Citation Manager?

Citation managers, or bibliographic management software, can save you hours of work by keeping track of your sources and formatting your bibliographies. They can also help you avoid accidental plagiarism by allowing you to keep track of your sources. 

EndNote and EndNote Web are available at no cost to GSU students, faculty and staff. Zotero is available as a free Firefox plugin for anyone to download.

Save Time & Stay Organized

Use software like EndNote and Zotero to manage your sources - download citations from library databases; export the bibliography into your paper. Compare the features of some different citation manager programs here.

Zotero is a free plugin that easily saves citations from GIL and most library databases, as well as sites like Amazon and the New York Times online.

EndNote is a free download for GSU students, faculty and staff.  It's a desktop application that runs on Windows or MacOS.

Both programs have Word plugins that automatically create bibliographies in the style of your choice.

How to Install Zotero