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Citing While Writing Using APA



The following example is from: Stern, L. (2007). What every student should know about avoiding plagiarism. New York: Pearson/Longman, 8-31.

Text from Original Source

The government of Libya is arbitrarily detaining women and girls in “social rehabilitation” facilities for suspected transgressions of moral codes, locking them up indefinitely without due process.  Portrayed as “protective” homes for wayward women and girls or those whose families rejected them, these facilities are de facto prisons. In them, the government routinely violates women’s and girls’ human rights, including those to due process, liberty, freedom of movement, personal dignity, and privacy. Many women and girls detained in these facilities have committed no crime, or have already served a sentence.  Some are there for no other reason than that they were raped, and are now ostracized for staining their family’s “honor.” There is no way out unless a male relative takes custody of the women or girls or she consents to marriage, often to a stranger who comes to the facility looking for a wife.

Source of Original Text

Human Rights Watch. Libya: A Threat to   Society? Arbitrary Detention of Women   and Girls for “Social Rehabilitation.”   Feb. 2006, Index No. E1802. Human   Rights Watch. 4 Feb. 2014 <  27/libya-threat-society >

Example of Plagiarism

Another example of the worldwide mistreatment of women and girls is the case of Libya. There, the government is keeping women and girls in “social rehabilitation” facilities for breaking moral codes, locking them up indefinitely without due process.  Portrayed as “protective” homes, these places are really prisons.  In them, the human rights of women and girls are violated on a routine basis, including the rights to due process, liberty, freedom of movement, personal dignity, and privacy.  Many have committed no crime, or have already paid their debt to society.  Some are there only because they were raped, and are now outcast for staining their family’s “honor.” They cannot get out unless a male relative takes custody of them or they agree to get married, often to a stranger who comes to the facility looking for a wife (Human).

Paraphrased Correctly

Too many societies in the world today tolerate, or even advocate, depriving women of their human rights. An egregious example of discrimination against women and girls occurs in Libya. Human Rights Watch, in a report issued in February 2006, documented the existence of what are called “social rehabilitation” facilities, run by the government. Women and girls are kept in these places against their will, with little or no legal recourse. Only males relatives can get them released.  Committed to these homes, mostly because they have been cast out by their families, these women and girls are virtual prisoners, sometimes for no other reason than that of “staining their family’s ‘honor’” by being a victim of rape (Human).