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ETDs - Electronic Theses & Dissertations: Formatting

An ETD submission guide for ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University


In Microsoft Word, use the References Tab for quick additions of endnotes.

For a thesis or dissertation, use a reference manager that integrates with the word processor for better management of citations. The University Library supports Endnote and Zotero.

Endnote is a commercial reference management system. EndNote is available free of charge to GSU students, faculty and staff. Download it here. 

Here is a guide to using Endnote.

Zotero is an open source reference management system that can integrate with your browser or be used as a stand-alone application

Here is a guide to using Zotero that includes links for downloading and installing the program.

The University Library offers workshops on using Endnote and Zotero.  Check the schedule for details.

Tables of Contents

To learn how to create a table of contents in Word, view this tutorial.

When coverting your thesis or dissertation to PDF format, do not use the "Save as PDF" function within Word. Your table of contents will not transfer properly.

Instead, use Adobe Acrobat (ideally) or another free-standing program to covert your document. Acrobat is available on the computers in most computer labs on campus, and is on all of the computers in the University Library.