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Social Work 3200: Social Welfare Institutions

How to Find Articles on Social Problems in the Progressive Era


For historical information, you can search JSTOR  database, . On the homepage of the database, under BROWSE, select BROWSE BY SUBJECT. Select the appropriate subject area. If it’s a historical issue, you would select History for instance or a subject under Social Sciences. You can then search those journals. On the results page, limit results by date or subject.

Since you are doing historical research in a certain time period, start with America: History & Life  database ( ). Do an advanced search and on the right of screen you should see Historical Period. Enter your years there. Here’s an example of a search I did. This link may only work on campus. If you are home, log into the database first before opening this link:

Keyword example:

deafness or hearing impairment or deaf or hard of hearing and employment 
Search results

Keyword example without limiting to historical period:

women and education and progressive era
Search results