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POLS 1101H: American Government (Mitchell): Introduction

This is a research guide for Dr. Stacey Mitchell's Fall 2022 POLS 1101H course.

Introduction: Research Presentation

For this class you will aclu flaggive a presentation on a particular civil liberty or civil rights of your choice. Your presentation must be a minimum of 15 minutes and incorporate your power point slides. This power point presentation must include a minimum of 12 slides. In this presentation you will trace the development of the particular civil liberty or civil right you have researched, including the historical context of your topic, relevant case law and legislation. You may use the textbook, class notes, articles, and books about your civil liberty or civil right. NO Wikipedia or any other similar type of source (e.g. Britannica). You will turn in to me before your presentation a hardcopy of your presentation, along with a bibliography of resources you used we will be discussing the presentation throughout the semester.

Photo by Michael Hanscom, Flickr creative commons, 2006, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Background Information

Films and Documentaries