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+LibWizardry Workshop: Resources

Resources for creating online tutorials using LibWizard. (Also applicable to other tutorials, such as Guide on the Side.)


Sample Tutorials

Image files

Video addresses

Research Minute: Using the Library - LC Call Numbers from Jessup College 

Georgia State University Library Catalog video

Tutorial Software: LibWizard and Guide on the Side

We are using LibWizard in this workshop. (Thank you, Springshare!)  I have chosen LibWizard because we most of Springshare's products and because LibWizard makes it easy to switch between live websites and other types of content.

Guide on the Side is a free alternative.  To see an article comparing the two, see below.



Guide Creator:
Mary Ann Cullen


Conference URLs

Training Archive

LibWizard Workshop Part I gives an orientation to the tutorial interface from the users’ and creator’s points of view. It also talks about various settings and gives some ideas about ways the tutorials could be used. (24 minutes)

LibWizard Workshop Part II is the interactive part that leads participants through the process of creating different parts of a tutorial. There is also a section that talks about planning a tutorial. This part is 47 minutes of video, but will take about 20 additional minutes if you stop the video at the designated spots to create your practice tutorial.

Both parts have a table of contents with timestamps in the video description if you want to skip to a certain segment or use the video for reference, but if you are new to LibWizard, I recommend that you watch the whole thing and play along.

Examples for DLIG show & tell

•GIL Express walkthrough example:
•Academic Integrity Tutorial:

Instruction Talk Powerpoint

Getting Oriented

To create tutorials in LibWizard,  you will create a series of "Slides" (which includes images, websites, videos, etc.) and accompanying commentary, instructions, and questions.  Your entire tutorial can simply have a single website as a "slide" or you can have a series of slides, as we will do in this workshop.

LibWizard Workpad

As you begin work on your tutorial, you will use the Tutorial/Assessment settings area to control the display and behavior of your tutorial.  In the workpad area, you will create and arrange your "Slides."  

Slide Content Editor

As you edit each slide, you enter the information for the slide display and the corresponding commentary.  Click on the edit icon to see the contents of the items in the "Slide Content/Descriptions" area.

Learning Outcomes & Assessment

Learning Outcomes: Within the first few slides of the tutorial, let the student know the purpose of the tutorial.  You may state this in the form of a formal learning outcome or take a more casual approach.

Assessments: Decide how you are going to assess student learning as well as how you are going to measure success of your tutorial early in the process.

Learning Outcomes

Once you have identified a need for a tutorial, the next step is to create a specific learning outcome. 

Learning outcomes should be:

  • measurable
  • behaviors

Also consider:

  • context for the behavior
  • performance standard
  • assessment method



Need: Learn about the library catalog.

Objective: Locate a book by title in the library catalog.


Need: Understand how to place an intercampus loan request.

Objective: Put in order a list of five steps for placing a intercampus loan request.

                 OR Identify correct intercampus loan policies and practicies from a list of options.

Example of learning objectives

In this tutorial, you will learn....

  • How to look up an item in the library catalog
  • How to improve your results by adding more search terms
  • How to limit your results by campus, date range, or format.

ADDIE model

Addie Model graphic
graphic by Laura Pasquini on flckr

ADDIE is a popular model in Instructional Design. It includes five steps which build upon each others.

  1. Analysis - Clarify problem, characteristics of learners, and set goals.
  2. Design - Plan learning content including learning objectives, content, exercises, and assessments, 
  3. Development - Create materials planned in the design phase.
  4. Implementation - Training, testing, and launch.
  5. Evaluation - Collect and analyze data about the effectiveness of the learning experience. 

(Repeat as needed.)


What's your tutorial's purpose?

Is your tutorial....

  • A complete lesson with pretest, learning activity, and post-test? 
  • A learning activity that will be part of a larger lesson? Example
  • Part of a series of lessons? Example 
  • A walkthrough to guide users through a process? Example
  • Other?




Design your tutorial

One of the challenging parts of a tutorial is designing the content.  Once you have a learning outcome in mind, you probably already have an idea of how you want to go about teaching it, but planning the step-by-step content may not come easily.

On this page are three storyboarding techniques to help you work through the process of designing your tutorial.

Powerpoint Method

Powerpoint allows you to create slides as images as well as plan your tutorial as though it were a presentation.  This method is a natural segue if you already use Powerpoint in  your teaching.

The Index card Method

In the Index card method, you can use one side of the card for the slide content and the other side for Question Panel content.  This image shows using two different cards for slide and question, but you can use the same card, front and back.

The Excel Method

In Excel or other spreadsheet software,  you can have two columns for Slide content and Question Panel content, or have additional columns for source and questions.  Full disclosure:  I haven't actually used this method, but if you feel comfortable with Excel, this could work for well for you.


Step-by-step variation for sequences

A variation on storyboarding may be used when you are walking the student through a series of steps on a single website, such as searching for an item in the catalog. In this case, you may use multiple cards/slides/cells to represent the steps in the sequence. Use the “Slide” portion of your storyboard to briefly describe or draw the step, as shown below. If your software allows branching, you may choose to illustrate this as a flowchart. 

Sequence of steps for Library Catalog slide

Slides for practice tutorial

1. Title (include instructions)

2. Objectives (optional)

3. How to identify the title?  (requires Rich Text editor)

4. Video (Embed Youtube video)

5. Catalog website (live site)

  • Steps for catalog exercise

6. How to Find book in LIbrary OR How to request a book video (Embed video)

7. Thank you and Rating


LibWizard Settings

To create a new tutorial

1. Log into LibWizard :

(At the bottom of the page, click on "Log into LibApps")

2. Go to "Tutorials & Assessments"

3. Click on "Create New"

In the resulting window...

4. Choose "blank slate" (unless you're making a copy)

5. Leave the type as "Stand Alone."

6. Name your tutorial. (You can change it later)

7. The friendly URL is optional, but for this workshop, you will put your first name and last initial. For example, if you are John Doe, enter "johnd" as the friendly URL.  This will make your Tutorial URL be

8. For now, put your name(s) in the description. In practice, you can write whatever you like to describe your tutorial.

9. Click "Create!"



Tutorial settings

Once you create the tutorial, you will see the Workpad page, including Tutorial/Assessment settings. You can edit these options at any time.

If you followed instructions to create the tutorial, most of these fields will be filled in except those highlighted in yellow.

Be sure you:

  • Make your tutorial Public
  • Save Changes
  • Enter your email address(es) in the submission tab if you want to be notified when someone takes your tutorial.

Workpad Tools, Welcome and Thank you.

Let's look at the Workpad Content Area

At the top, there are buttons, to...

  • Save Changes (Do this often!)
  • Preview your tutorial so far
  • Share/URL - get the URL or embed code for your tutorial
  • View Reports

Click to edit "Welcome" screen is optional. If you enter nothing here, there will be no welcome screen and users will go directly to the tutorial.  (For the workshop, we are leaving this blank.)

Click to edit "Thank You Screen."  By default, your students will see the message, "Your assessment was submitted" and have a button that gives them to option to retake the tutorial. You may change the message and various user feedback options from this window:

If you click the option to let users email a copy of the assessment, they will get the message shown below. While you cannot change the wording of the message (unless you are an Admin), you can direct users to email a copy of the assessment to their instructor. 

Title Slide and How To

Your first slide will be a title slide.  For this tutorial, you will use an image. 

You can use one of the images on the homepage or create your own image using Powerpoint, Canva, or other software.

The text in the Question panel may introduce the concept taught in the tutorial and/or include instructions on how to navigate the tutorial. If you do not include instructions here, you will need to include them in another slide.

Text for the instructions

Welcome to this tutorial!

As you work through the tutorial, this panel will include instructions, information, and sometimes questions for you to assess your understanding.

The panel to the right may contain information or a live website for you to practice your skills.

When you are ready to continue, click "Next" at the bottom of this panel.

Saving images

Download these images from
Google Drive.


To save images from this page:

Right click on the image.

Choose "Save Image As" 

Give it a name.


Now you are ready to use the image.

Title images

Add & Edit Slides

Adding Slides

To add a slide  (or other content in the content window), start on the Workpad.

1. Click on "Add the first slide"or "Add Slide," as shown below.

2. A new window will open, as shown below.  You must choose the following, but you can edit it all later.

  • Name your slide as shown in the yellow highlight. (This name will be publicly visible.)
  • Choose the slide content type - see the red box.  The option you choose will open a prompt for the corresponding type of content. If you choose nothing, it will put in the first libguide on the list as a default.
  • Click "Save."

3. You may add more slides by going back to the Workpad or by clicking "+Add slide" at the bottom of the current slide.  (You may need to rearrange the slides later.)

Edit Slides


Once you have one or more slides, odds are at some point you might want to edit them.

There are three ways to edit a slide:

  • Edit Slide reopens the Slide Display editor, where you can make desired changes.
  • ​Move Slide Click and hold the bar with the slide and move it to the desired location.
  • Delete Slide Permanently deletes the slide.  Any images you added will remain in your library.


If you are changing the type of slide or replacing content, you may wish to clear the existing content before adding new content, as shown in the example below.

Copying Slides

Copying LibWizard Slide Content

While copying a question panel item in LibWizard is fairly easy, there is not currently a way to easily copy slide content.  Here’s a work-around.

Part I: On the slide you want to copy.

  1. Locate the slide you want to copy and open it as though to edit the slide.
  2. Regardless of slide content, choose the Custom Content/Rich Text Editor.
  3. In the Editor, click on “Source” 
  4. Highlight and copy everything in the editor. (see handout for illustration.)

Part II: On the slide where you want to recreate the content from Part I.

  1. Open the Custom Content/Rich Text editor.
  2. Click on “Source” as in step 3.
  3. Paste the content that you copied in step 4.
  4. Save.

Tada! You’ll notice this does not copy the question content, only the slide.  But it saves a lot of work, eh?

Question Panel

Question Panel

The Question Panel is where you put your commentary and instructions to the student related to the slide content.  

This is also where you can put interactive elements, such as quiz questions.

Important: Create a slide first, then create the question panel content for that slide.

Creating Question Panel Content

You can create question panel content in three ways:

1. Add Content/Descriptions - This is where you create original content.

2. Reuse Questions - A dialog box will open that allows you to reuse questions you have created elsewhere in LibWizard.

3. Bank - Admins can add question panel content to the Bank for reuse by other users. 

TIP: Reusing questions creates a copy of the content so you can edit it without changing the original; it is not "mapped" to the original.

Question Page Break Magic

If users are interacting with one slide, such as a live website, for a long time, you can break the content of the question panel into multiple parts by using "Questions Page Break."

The end result looks something like this:

Add Slide Content/Decription options

When you click "Add Content/Descriptions," this dropdown menu appears.

A couple of most-used options:

  • Text Block opens a WYSIWYG editor for you to write your commentary; it asks for no input from the user.  You may also add small images or links here.
  • Questions Page Break will keep the slide the same, but will display another question panel.  This is especially useful as you move a user through multiple steps on a live web page.

Question types:

  • One-line Text input: Limits user response by pixel or percentage of one line.
  • Textarea input: User responses in a textbox. You can set the size of the textbox and the maximum length of response.
  • Numeric Input: Responses must be numbers. You can set the range.
  • Dropdown: Users choose a response from a dropdown menu.
  • Radio: Users may choose one from multiple choice.
  • Checkbox: Users may choose multiple options from multiple choice.
  • Grid: Displays responses in a matrix, such as a series of Likert scale responses.

Other user input - These may also be used as questions but are more often just for user data or feedback.

  • Submitter Email
  • Submitter Name
  • Submitter Phone
  • Date and Time
  • Rating
  • File Upload


Create Question/Text content

When you choose a type of content, another editor box opens. The options in the box vary depending on the type of content you are entering.

The image below shows an editing box for a Checkbox Question.


Creating the question

  • Short Name is optional
  • Use the pencil icon to the left of the answer choices for a WYSIWYG editor to create more complex content.
  • Add and subtract lines with the + and - links.
  • Use the radio button at the end of the answer choice line to make it the default choice. (Note: This doesn't make it the correct choice.)

Options (at the bottom of the box)

  • Require an answer before the student can move on with the tutorial (Note: This will also require you to input an answer as you are previewing the tutorial, so you may want to check this option later!)
  • Hide the question
  • Control the answer options display
  • Provide an "Other" option that may or may not prompt the user for additional input.

Answer Properties

On the Answer Properties tab, you specify the correct answer(s) to the question, as well s whether a correct answer is required and whether you give the user immediate feedback about the correctness of their response, as shown below.

Make sure you SAVE your Question!

Videos and Images

Ways to Add an Image

You can use images in Slides or in the Question Panel in several ways.

Slides: In the Content options, choose one of these:

  • An Image - Upload an image to be the entire content of the slide.
  • Website/URL - If you want to link to an image on the web rather than uploading it, enter the URL here. It will be the content of the slide.  
  • Custom content (via rich text editor) - Here you can make an image part of the slide.  See WYSIWYG editor box below.

Question Panel

  • Text Block opens a WYSIWYG editor that allows image input.

Add an Image as a Slide

To Add an Image as the entire Slide Content, follow these steps.

1. Know where the slide file is on your computer.  (This method does not draw from your image library.)

2. If you are replacing an existing slide, "Clear File" before uploading the new slide.

3. Create or Edit a slide. Give it a name and choose "An Image" as the slide content. (Instructions continue below image.)

4. Drag the image file from your computer or click "Choose a File," navigate to the file on your computer and open the appropriate file.

5. To make the image fit the available space, set the width to 100%.

6. Add descriptive Alt Text to make the image friendly for the visually impaired.

7. Click "Save."

Adding an image using the Rich Text/ WYSIWYG Editor

When you open the Rich Text Editor as a Slide or Question Panel Text Box, you get a WYSIWYG editor. (This is pronounced "Wizzy Wig" in the Biz.)

This allows you to create text content, hyperlinked text, and add images and tables.

Add images like this:

  1. Before you start, know where the image file is on your computer.
  2. Put your cursor where you want the image. (This can be changed later.)
  3. Click on the Insert Image icon, as shown in the image below.
  4.  You will get an Image Properties box that looks like the image below. (Ignore all that stuff in the preview.)
  • If you know the URL of an image you want to link to, enter it here and skip to step 7.  (If this makes no sense to you, ignore it and click on Browse Server.)
  • Otherwise, click on Browse Server.

5. This will open the Image Manager Library as shown below. If you have uploaded images in another Springshare account, you will see all of your images here.

  • You may choose one of these images (purple square) or upload a new image (red square).  
  • To upload a new image, you will need to navigate to the location of the file on  your computer or drive as you would with an attachment, then click "Open."
  • It may take some time to upload the file. 
  • Find it in your library and click the "Reuse this image" icon (purple square).


6. Once you have uploaded and selected your image, you will return to the Image Properties box, but this time there will be content, like this:

  Let's walk through each line (color coded):

  • URL is supplied after you upload the image. If you want to change the image, delete this URL and Browse the server again.
  • Alternative Text is not required, but for accessibility, you should put a description that will tell someone who cannot see what the image shows.
  • Width and Height are the size of the image in pixels.  You can change these numbers to increase or decrease the size of the image. (Note: Some fuzziness may occur.) 
    • To maintain the proportions of the image, make sure the Lock icon displays a closed lock. 
    • The curly arrow will revert the picture to its original size.
  • Border - for no border, leave this blank. To put a thin black line, put a 1.  The larger the number, the thicker the border.  You cannot change the color of the border here.
  • HSpace and VSpace. These create a margin of white space around the image so text or other images aren't too close to be visually pleasing.
  • Alignment. 
    • Not set = The picture will be inline with the text, if there is any.
    • Left or Right - The image will be to the right of the text or the left of the text.

The image in this discussion is Aligned Left with a Border of 1 and HSpace 20.

7.  Ta Da! You have an image.  If it doesn't look right,  you can highlight the image, click the image icon and edit it to your heart's content.

Add an Image as a URL

  1. Copy the URL (address) of the image.  This may be an existing photo in your Springshare image library or you can right-click and copy the image address from the source.  As we are modeling responsible image use, here is an example using a copyright-free (CC00) image:

  1. When you create the slide, choose “Website/URL” as the slide content option.
  2. Paste the image address and SAVE.

Embedding a Video

To embed a video in the Slide Display:

1.First locate the video you want to use. We are going to use a video from YouTube, but you may also use a video from Films on Demand or other source that gives you an embed code.

Click on the "Share" link, then click on "Embed."

2. Copy the embed code by clicking on the "copy" link or highlighting and copying the code.  The numbers underlined in blue are the size of the embedded video in pixels. You may choose to edit these later.

3. In LibWizard, choose "Embedded Media" as your Slide Content choice in the Slide Display, then paste the code you copied into the box.  Then SAVE!

4. Your video should now be embedded. If you are unhappy with the size, you may change the width and height in the code. (Make sure they are proportional to the original!)  Be aware that not all screens are the same size and it may be safest to leave it the original size while allowing the full screen option.

Advanced Tricks with the Rich Text Editor

Advanced Fun Facts about the Editor

  • Use the "Remove Format" icon (looks like Tx) when you've copy-and-pasted something and it looks wonky.  This will remove any pesky formatting it inherited from its home and you can then treat it as you wish.
  • The Source button will allow you to edit in html code, if you know it.  If you're crafty, you can also use this to paste embed code or widgets in your text.
  • Your pages will be more accessible and professional if you use Styles to change font sizes instead size and use Format to create headings and subheadings instead of just making headings big and bold.

Image optimization with Web Resizer

Optimizing images can decrease fuzziness and speed up load time because the file size is smaller.

Just upload your image into the Web Resizer and choose how big or small you want the image to be.

Web Resizer