Instructional Design in the Behavioral and Social Sciences

Scholarly Communications Librarian: Laura Burtle

For more specialized help with instructional copyright, contact Laura Burtle at

Special thanks to Laura for compiling the below information.

DISCLAIMER: Copyright is a large field, and this guide only covers a small part. The primary focus of the guide is on use of copyrighted materials by University System of Georgia instructors operating under the University System of Georgia Copyright Policy. Contact the Georgia State University Office of Legal Affairs with questions in general or about specific situations.

Copyright Myths

Copyright is complicated, and that leads to a number of myths that are not accurate. The following are NOT TRUE:

  • You can copy something if you just give attribution.
  • It is always legal to copy up to a certain percent or portion of a work.
  • Works on the internet are in the public domain and can always be copied.
  • If there is no copyright notice, the work is not copyrighted.

What can be copyrighted?

  • Literary works
  • Motion pictures & other audiovisual works
  • Musical works
  • Dramatic works
  • Sound recordings
  • Pictorial, graphic, & sculptural works
  • Pantomimes, choreographic works, architectural works
  • Compilations of above works

What cannot be copyrighted?

  • Not in fixed tangible form of expression
  • Titles, names, short phrases, slogans
  • Familiar symbols/designs; mere variations in typographic ornamentation, lettering, coloring
  • Mere listings of ingredients or contents 
  • Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, discoveries, devices
  • Consisting entirely of information that is common property with no original authorship
  • Works by U.S. government employees as part of their employment

How does one get copyright?

  • Copyright conferred upon creation & fixation of new works
  • Notice - not required – but recommended
    • © Year Author (e.g.© Bob Smith 2020)
    • Registration is not required, but it has advantages
      • Required for suit
      • Statutory Damages


Exclusive Rights Conferred by Copyright


No Exceptions

You need permission if your use does not fall under any of the listed exceptions. You can sometimes seek free permission; other cases require a license fee. 

Statutory Exceptions to Exclusive Rights

The exclusive rights of copyright holders are limited by a number of statutory exceptions. Particularly relevant to instruction are exceptions for:

Fair Use Basics

As an instructor at GSU, whenever you request that the E-Reserve or iCollege/D2L systems include a copy of a portion of a copyrighted work without permission from the rightsholder, you will be expected to do a thoughtful fair use analysis, and affirm that you found the use you are requesting to be a fair use. 

By applying some basics of doing a rigorous fair use analysis, you not only will be showing respect for the interests of other authors, but you will also be helping comply with the law and preserve our ability to offer reserve services and provide copyrighted instructional content online.  Moreover, you will also be helping the university community maintain a responsible standard of fair use that can support our teaching.

Copyright law provides the creators of original works of authorship with a set of limited exclusive rights, including the right to copy, distribute, and perform their works. The law balances the private interests of copyright owners with the public interest and is intended, in the words of the Constitution, “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for a limited Time to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” Thus, the law provides limited exceptions to the copyright owner’s exclusive rights to the original work. One such exception is the right to make a “fair use” of a copyrighted work.

The fair use analysis is a means to determine whether reliance on the fair use exception is justified, or in other words, whether an unlicensed use of a copyrighted work is legally permissible.

Fair use is an important aspect of the copyright law of the United States, and it allows you to make limited uses of copyrighted works without permission from the owner or other rightsholder.  When you scan and share readings in a course, for example, you are often exercising fair use.  However, not all such educational uses are within fair use.

A determination of whether your use is a fair use depends on whether the four factors in the statute weigh in favor of or against fair use.  The four fair use factors are:

Factor 1:  The purpose and character of the use.
Factor 2:  The nature of the copyrighted work.
Factor 3:  The amount and substantiality of the portion used.
Factor 4:  The effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the original.

A critical ruling was handed down by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Cambridge University Press v. Albert, 906 F.3d 1290 (11th Cir. 2018) and the District Court in Cambridge University Press v. Becker, No. 08-CV-1425-ODE (N.D. Ga. Sept. 30, 2020). These cases provide specific guidance regarding the nature and amounts of excerpts from books and other works that are likely to be fair use in the non-profit educational context.

The Georgia State Office of Legal Affairs provides a checklist to help you do a fair use analysis.

Fair Use Checklist

A checklist is a tool that allows you to perform a rigorous, fair use analysis, and each portion of the checklist below should be completed. Not all of the factors will be present in any given situation. Check only those factors that apply to your use.  Where there are counter factors, usually one or the other applies. No single item or factor determines fair use, but several factors carry different weights, as indicated below. The final determination is based on weighing or balancing the four factors. You do not need to have all factors or all details pointing in favor of or against fair use. 

Complete and retain a copy of the checklist for each “fair use” of a copyrighted work to establish a “reasonable and good faith” attempt at applying fair use should any dispute regarding such use arise.

Click here for the Fair Use Checklist

Course Management System (iCollege/Canvas)

  • The USG Copyright Policy applies to:
    • Course Management Systems
    • Faculty/Departmental Websites
  • Course Management Systems are not face-to-face teaching
  • The Library does not manage Course Management Systems.
    • Contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Online Education for assistance. For questions about copyright in the CMS, contact the Office of Legal Affairs.
  • Instructors must tell students not to copy or distribute works in the CMS.


Electronic Reserves

  • Instructors know the details of the work and its intended use, so the instructor must evaluate whether permissions or a license are needed or whether the use of the work is a fair use. Instructors must fill out the Fair Use Checklist for each work relying on fair use and must KEEP A COPY that can be produced upon request.
  • Instructors must provide a citation for the work. It will not be posted without attribution.
  • The instructor must provide a lawful copy if the library does not have a copy. Photocopies are not acceptable.
  • The library will password restrict access to the work.
  • The library will terminate access at the end of the semester and remove the materials.
  • There is no charge for the use of e-reserves.
  • Where the library already licenses the work, a link to the work will be used instead of a copy.
  • Instructors can submit requests for items to be placed on e-reserve online.
  • Students can access e-reserves online.

Librarian Charlene

Profile Photo
Charlene Martoni

University System of Georgia Copyright Policy

It is incumbent on all instructors to follow the University System of Georgia Policy on the Use of Copyrighted Materials in Education and Research. The policy is focused on respecting the rights of copyright holders and on the use of copyrighted works in teaching, research, and service. It has a section on Fair Use, and explains rules for electronic reserves, which also apply to course management systems like iCollege.

Making Use of a work

You can make use of a work if:

  • It is in the Public Domain
    • U.S. government work (not copyrightable)
    • Expired copyright (mostly more than 95 years old)
  • Georgia State has a license (quick search in the box below)
  • An exception applies (fair use, face-to-face)
  • The terms Terms of Use allow your use (Website, Creative Commons)
  • You have explicit Permission/License

If none of these apply, don’t use the work. If you would like help locating a work you can use that will meet your instructional needs, contact your subject librarian.

Use this box to search for licensed electronic journals:


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) 17 U.S.C. §1201 forbids circumvention of a technological measure effectively controlling access to a work protected under copyright. 

Generally, it is a violation to go around any digital access controls if such access is unauthorized.

There are limited exceptions for a few uses, including critical educational uses. Click here for the current exemptions.

Face-to-Face Teaching Exception 17 U.S.C. §110(1)

  • "Performance or display of a work by instructors or pupils in the course of face-to-face teaching activities. . . in a classroom . . ."
  • Must use a lawfully made copy.
    • You may use a library or personal copy, but not a copy made by circumventing technological protection measures (DRM).
  • Must be for teaching purposes only.
  • Allows for classroom use of "For Home Use" labeled media.
  • It does not cover copying (fair use).
  • Does not cover materials in a course management system such as iCollege.


Distance Learning Exception TEACH Act 17 U.S.C. §110(2)

  • Transmission of non-dramatic literary or musical work or reasonable portions of other works
    • but not works marketed for online use
      • What is a reasonable portion? Never more than would be used in a typical face-to-face classroom session. And never more than needed for your pedagogical purpose.
  • By the instructor as an integral part of mediated instructional activities
  • Directly related and of material assistance to the teaching content
  • Reception is limited to students officially enrolled - password access (put it in the course management system)
  • The institute has policies regarding copyright and provides informational materials to faculty, staff, and students
  • Notice to students that materials used may be subject to copyright protection
  • Technological protection measures reasonably prevent retention of the work for longer than the class session and reasonably prevent unauthorized further dissemination. (streaming can meet this requirement)
  • The copy was not made by circumventing technological protection measures (*but ask about triennial exemptions)

Think you are ready to use the TEACH Act? Check the University of Texas TEACH Act Checklist


When seeking free permission, first try to identify the copyright holder. This will probably be either the publisher or the work, or the author. Then, send a request where you:

  • Ask your recipient to affirm they are the copyright holder or indicate who does own the rights;
  • Describe the specific work, including specifically the portions (pages, timer count) that you will use;
  • Describe the use specifically, and how it will be accessed, the number of uses, dates it will be used (e.g., what semester);
  • Provide a means for assent (signature line, request for email granting permission);
  • Indicate that you will include attribution when you make use of the work, and ask if they have a preference for how you attribute;
  • Include any details that make granting permission attractive;
  • Make it easy (use email or include a self-addressed, stamped envelope).


To license the use of a work, the easiest method is to work through a collective rights agency. Alternatively, you can contact the copyright holder directly, usually the publisher.