1. On the GSU Library website, use the search bar and drop down the search option to Catalog to search for your keywords.
2. On your results page, select Availability: Full Access Online and Format: Books from the filters on the left side.
3. Click Online Access for an eBook you'd like to see.
4. On the item record, under Full Text Availability, click the option where you would like to view the eBook. (Sometimes there is more than one database that has the title!)
5. Click the Full Text option on the left side of the page to read the book, and/or use the Permalink option to save/send the link to yourself for future reference! (Avoid the Download option! Many eBooks have limited user licenses from the publisher, so one student downloading it might mean that another student can't use it later.)
Use the GSU Catalog to locate physical books in our libraries. Look for the information about the Location and the Call Number to find where the book is located. (Let the front desk know if you need assistance, we're happy to help!)
This book is at the Atlanta campus on the 4th floor of Library North, located at the shelf marked for HM520 .C35 2023.
If a book is at another campus or institution, you can sign in and Request Pickup, Request from Other USG Libraries, or Request via Interlibrary Loan to have it sent to your campus.