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Gerontology: Subject Guide: Statistics & Data

An introduction to research in Gerontology

Aging and Geriatrics

Data Services & Support @ Georgia State University Library

The Library's RESEARCH DATA SERVICES (RDS) faculty members assist GSU students, faculty, and staff with data analysis tools & methodsdata visualizationfinding data & statisticsdata collection, and data cleaning & management.


  • VIDEO TUTORIALS and MICRO-CREDENTIAL BADGES -- data-skills trainings at your fingertips when convenient for you.
  • SESSIONS for CLASSES -- discipline-relevant data-skills trainings for both undergraduate and graduate students.
  • SESSIONS for RESEARCH TEAMS -- tailored trainings to support GSU faculty's research agendas.
  • ONE-ON-ONE HELP -- via Quick Data Help shifts offered throughout the semester, plus opportunities to schedule longer consults.

Stats Guide

See more data and statistics on Medicare, Medicaid, health administration, and more on our Statistics & Data LibGuide.