You will not have a final for this class. Instead, you will create a website advocating for the issue you focus on in the research essay. You will make this website in WordPress at On the website, you will provide information on your cause and persuade the audience to join it in some way. It should have at least three pages. The home page should have a call to action. You need to introduce the cause and invite the reader to do something specific to become involved in this cause. This call to action should be between 200 and 500 words and should be new material and not from your research essay. You also need a page that has the citations, in MLA 9th edition format, for the secondary sources from your research paper. Before your list of sources, you should have one to two paragraphs introducing and giving an overview of your sources as a whole. This overview should be 100-300 words. The third page should include additional resources, and you should provide links to three to 10 videos, websites, podcast episodes, etc. for each, you should have a brief introduction of what each is.
You can use a theme for this website adapting it as needed for your purpose, but you do not need to. On each page, you need a title and at least one images. All images used must be copyright free or creative commons. The layout, which possible will include a theme, text, and images should all work together to support your persuasive purpose and make the website easy to use. A rubric for the website project with also be provided, and I will use it to grade it. There are training materials on creating a website in Module 3: Week 10 of content in iCollege. You will also be able to set up a WebEx appointment with training specialist Melissa Spencer, who can help answer questions, including technical ones, that you have as you are making your website. You also will be linking to a draft of your website for the Website Drafting Discussion during Week 13, 4/8-4/14.