Authoritative index to articles in journals, books, dissertations, and working papers in economics. Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage with 1.3 million records from 1886 present.
Interactive applications, created by the Census Bureau, to help you find, customize, and even visualize, statistics and information from multiple censuses, surveys, and programs.
A data source on the global economy, featuring statistical data on development indicators and time series data from 1960 to the present
How to Find the Right Resource
Listed below are questions to ask your self when you start a research project.
Who Cares? People and organizations that care about a topic often talk and write about it. What kind of individuals and groups would talk or write about your topic? An agency in the government? A non-profit oraganization? An academic institutute?
What would it look like? Would it be in a large spreadsheet or a powerpoint presentation? Is it the type of information that would be reported in a newspaper article or is it more appropriate for an academic journal article?
Why would it be available? Gathering information can be time consuming. Do enough people care about your issue to invest time and money in gathering the data and synthesizing it into a usable form? If someone would, would it be publically available? Would they charge money to access the information?
Answering these questions will help you drill down to the best sources of information.