Use to request specific articles available in print in the GSU library, as well as book chapters.
Library Basics
New to the Library?
The GSU Library holds over 1.3 million volumes and has access to 276 databases, almost 14,000 e-journals, and about 30,000 e-books.
Electronic Resources: Many of our electronic resources including databases, e-journals and e-books are restricted to GSU users only. When you are off-campus, you'll need to identify yourself with your GSU Campus ID.
Library basics: Consult the Nursing Library Research Basics handout, located in the Orientation Resources box on the left.
Research Tips
Brainstorm possible search terms for your topic. Keep in mind that you may need to simplify long phrases by breaking them up into separate search terms or smaller phrases.
Before starting your research, be sure first that there are sufficient sources on the topic, and do so early in case you need to broaden, narrow, or change your topic; and also so that you can maximize your time for researching and writing.
Use databases to find articles on your topic from a variety of journals and other sources. Use journals to find a specific article or to search a topic in a specific journal.
Library Services
CURVE-Collaborative University Research Visualization Environment, located on the 2nd floor of Library South. This space has high-end computers with software to enhance your research and course projects.
Group Study Rooms-book in advance online from any device to reserve space in the library for your group projects.
Computers are located throughout the library. More information on computing and printing here.
list of all GSU Library databases. Use the drop-down menu ("all subjects") to select databases by subject. There is also a search box to search for databases by title.