ABI/Inform Complete provides access to industry reports by country. The report titles include the country. The industry name is a little harder to predict in the title field. Clothing, for example, might be covered under the apparel, fashion, or textile industries. With that in mind, the most efficient way to search for industry profiles by country is to use the (default) Advanced Search screen is to enter the country and the industry into the search boxes and select the "title" field for the country. If I were searching for reports on the automobile industry in the United Arab Emirates I would construct my initial search something like this:
Before you run your search you should should limit your results by Document Type. Scroll down the page a bit to see the Document Type limiting option and use the Industry Report option to make sure you are targeting Industry Reports.
It's important that you find the most current information available on your topic. By default, ABI/Inform Complete does not sort results by date. You can change the sort order to Most recent first from the Sort results by menu which appears on the bottom of the search page and on the top of the results page. You can also use the Publication date limiter on the search page to set a specific date range for your search.
Business Source Complete provides access to Industry Profiles by Country. Use the Industry Profile option under the Publication Type limiter.