Try looking in our Anthropology resources to find articles about South African Culture. Below is a short list of our Anthrolopology-related databases. For more try our Anthropology research guide.
Anthropology Plus is the worlds most comprehensive index covering the fields of anthropology (social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic archaeology, and related interdisciplinary research.)
A scholarly, multi-disciplinary database providing indexing and abstracts for thousands of journals and other publications. PDF content dates back to 1887.
Covers the literature in 54 American Anthropological Association's (AAA) peer reviewed journals, newsletters, and bulletins.
Use the drop-down boxes in the database's Advanced Search to help you narrow or expand your search.
Use Boolean searching (AND, OR, NOT) to expand or narrow your searches. For examply, a good way to find cross-cultural studies related to South Africa would be to start by going to the Advanced search and entering South Africa in one search box and cross-cultural studies (or related term) in another box.
When you find a relevant item, click on the record and look for subject terms. Clicking on a subject term will bring up other related items.
Often databases will only provide a citation for the article and not the full text. If that is the case you should see a Find it @GSU button along with the citation. Click the Find It @GSU button to open a window with links to the article you need. If we don't have the article you'll see a prompt to request the article through InterLibrary Loan.
Many databases have a Thesaurus or an Index of subject terms. These feature a list of subject terms that relate to content on those databases. Subject terms are assigned based on article content, allowing you to create a targeted search. Searching with subject terms, rather than general keyword searches, will lend more consistency and relevancy to your searches.
For example, the Index for Anthroplogy Plus is on the top left of the database. Pull down the dropdown arrow to select subject from the list of indices:
When you browse for cross-cultural you will see a list of all the subject headings that begin with the term cross-cultural. Put a check in the box to add that term to your search: