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Current Topics with Tutorials: Research Databases

Research Databases connect you to articles, ebooks, streaming video, and more.

Research Databases

These databases are frequently recommended sources of information used in freshman and sophomore research assignments.

Topic Exploration Databases

These databases are a good place to start, especially if you are not familiar with all the pros and cons about your issue or are trying to focus your topic. 

General Databases

Finding your topic in these databases can give you background information and additional search terms.

Controversial Issues Databases

Good for Pro/Con and argumentative research, these can help you refine your topic and identify some pros and cons.

Database Tutorials

Watch this video to find out how to use Georgia State University's Research Databases.

The other tabs (optional) contain videos about What is a database?, What is a scholarly journal? and How to use two of our databases, CQ Researcher and Issues and Controversies.



A more in-depth, longer version of the above video:



Pro Tip: Use Limiters

Try these limiters to get to the best information sources:

  • Date
  • Full text (read it right now!)
  • Type of Resource
  • Subject Area

Pro Tip: Get Organized

Email articles to yourself as you find them. The email tools in the databases will reliably lead you back to the article and citation information.

Use the same "tag" in the subject line so you can easily locate all the sources for the same assignment. (Example: #Persuasive)

Collect your resources and works in a paper or electronic folder for each assignment.

Pro Tip: Adding more search terms

Add to your list of search terms as you go through the research process:

  • Words used in your readings
  • Subject terms
  • Suggested terms that auto-fill the search box