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ENGL 1102 with Kay Harrison (Spring 2025)

Research Plan

Consider these steps to get started...

1. What quote interests you or reminds you of a story/character you've read about?

2. Choose a story to analyze. (Go to Literature databases to help you find themes).

3. What psychological or sociological themes interest you? (Go to the Academic Databases to learn more about these themes).

4. If you have trouble finding sources for your theme, trying search for Databases by Subject or using the Discover Search Bar.

Literature Databases to Research Themes

Try these databases to research the short stories you are using and to explore ideas for themes.  Type the story title, for example "The Necklace" in the search box. 

Academic Databases to Relate to Themes

These databases do not contain literary criticism. Use these databases to research related themes (psychological, sociological, historical) from the short stories.  For example, social status or class conflict.