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ENGL 1101 Willis Summer 2024

Career Presentation Assignment

The research assignment aims to enlarge a reader’s view of a certain topic by providing accurate and relevant information. For this presentation, you are required to choose a career of interest to explore. Once you have determined a career, you may focus on education, salary, work environment, and skills needed for the job. You are not limited to the four areas previously mentioned. Additionally, make sure that the topic can be supported in a 5-minute presentation. In this presentation, you are required to use a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5) secondary sources, and they must be credible sources (for each missing secondary source, you will receive a 10-point deduction).

I encourage you to use specific research sites like the GSU library’s electronic database. I will take off several points if the MLA format and citations are incorrect. Remember that this is an academic research assignment, so you are required to use formal language (i.e., third-person perspective, no slang, no offensive language, no contractions).

*If you plagiarize someone else’s work (professional or student), you will receive a zero for this assignment and possibly fail the course. Students are also guilty of plagiarism if they submit their own previously graded work.

For this assignment, you will need a speech outline for me. The outline is due the day of your presentation. Please print the outline and bring it to class. Also, you must include images/clipart in your presentation. Additionally, you may use PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides for your presentation. Students must include at least ten slides (the first slide should be your title page with your name and career, the middle slides should include your points w/in-text citations, and the final slide should include your Works Cited). This presentation will count separately from your annotated bibliography. The presentation is 10 percent of your research grade.