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ENGL 1101 Mitchell Spring 2024: Infographic Assignment

Infographic Assignment

Infographic Assignment Sheet
Due Date Thursday, Apr. 23 by 9:30 am

You will not have a final for this class. Instead, you will create an infographic
based on your research paper and give a three-to-five-minute presentation on
your infographic during our final exam time, Tuesday, 4/23 from 10:00am to
12:30pm. The infographic will be due to Assignments on iCollege by 9:30am on
Tuesday, 4/23. You will make this infographic in Canva, which can be accessed
at In the infographic, you will be presenting
information from your Research Essay on the place you focused on in this
essay. The goal of the infographic is to try to convince others to visit this place
but using a more visual format than that of an essay. You need to have three to
five pieces of information from your research, including cited evidence from at
least two of your secondary sources. You need to have a visual accompanying
each piece of information. Your infographic must have at least two colors. The
focus of this infographic is to present your information visually in a logical and
engaging way. It should have a title at the beginning and a works cited at the
end. Do not use one of the themes in Canva because one of the things I am
looking at in my grading is how you organize the information, and I want you to
create your own organization. All visuals used need to be copyright free, and
you need to have citations for all the sources you got information and visuals
from for this infographic at the bottom of it.

You are free to use generative AI to help you develop ideas or a first draft of
your infographic. You need to include attribution and will be required to turn in
the prompt(s) you used, the AI’s response(s), and all subsequent drafts so I can
see your work. Look at the AI Assistance section of the syllabus for more

We will have a training specialist come to class to instruct you on how to use
Canva to create an infographic. Also look at the rubric for the infographic
and the Sample Infographic. Also, look at this website for more
suggests on creating an effective infographic:

This assignment connects to Digital Technology from the Career Readiness
Competencies Rubric. I suggest that you attach your infographic to you
Portfolium account.


To access Canva go to!

Watch an official Create Easy Infographics with Canva video here!

Find the official Canva guide on infographics here!