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ENGL 1101 Davenport Fall 2023: Assignment

Annotated Bibliography Assignment


Annotated Bibliography Assignment

You will complete an Annotated Bibliography for the five sources you will include in your Research Essay. You will complete the assignment according to MLA guidelines and the information included in the assignment should serve as an additional tool for the successful completion of your Research Essay.

You will complete an Evaluative Annotation and include the following information in your annotation:

  • a short summary of the work
  • an assessment of the accuracy of the work
  • an assessment of the relevance of the source to the topic of the research
  • an assessment of the quality of the source as an academic product

The source should be correctly formatted according to MLA citation guidelines and the annotation should follow the citation in paragraph style. The Annotated Bibliography should be Times New Roman font, point 12, double spaced with no additional spacing.

The Annotated Bibliography is due