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USG Georgia FinTech Academy Libguide Template: Consulting with Library Resources (GSU)

How to Use Resources at GSU Library to Work with Your Clients?

GSU Library provides business databases and resources that industry and business professionals use. Follow the steps below and click the appropriate links to learn more about your clients' industry, financial data, competitions, and more. 

1. Industry Search

Performing industry research is a skill that you will use beyond your time in school, and for many similar reasons. The tool on this page is a small portion of what is accessible through the GSU Library.

  • IBISWorld is an excellent resource for understanding an industry, including the current issue and the major US competitors.
  • ABI/INFORM provides industry reports for countries overseas.

3. Best Practices _ Reseearch Articles

Business articles in journals, magazines & trade publications are available through GSU Library databases. A selection of some places to start with best-practices research:

  • ABI/Inform Complete  - good for articles, news and trade publications
  • Business Source Complete - Company profiles, SWOT analyses, market research, trade publications
  • Google Scholaran excellent way to locate scholarly resources. Link your your Google Scholar's Settings to Georgia State University Library will let you quickly find out if we have access to that item through the library's resources. 



2A. Client Profiles & SWOT Analyses

To learn more about your clients' company background information, search company profiles and SWOT analyses

  • Company Profiles, public and large private companies, can be searched in Business Source Complete.
  • SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis reports are available for many companies through Business Source Complete and provide a good overview of the company's current environment.

2B. Client Financial & Competitors

Resources to consider when researching a company's finance & competition:

  • Is this company public or private? It can be more difficult to find information about private companies.
    • Mergent is an easy-to-use database to gather basic background information about a company, including basic sales, contact information and the company's status as public or private.  
    • Small, private company financial information is less likely to be available, but estimates may be included in ReferenceUSA or free-trial web resources such as Crunchbase or PitchBook.  


One-button Studio - Presentation

The library has one of the One-Button Presentation studios available on campus where your group can practice and record your consulting presentations. 

Business Consulting Books @ GSU Library

The Library has a number of books focused on business consulting and communication in business. Some of these items are listed below. To find others, check the items close to these on the library shelves, or try searching for some of these terms:

  • Business consulting
  • Business communication
  • Business presentations

Sample Resources

Business Librarian

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Christina Gangwisch