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ENGL 1102 with Professor Kay Harrison: Citing Your Sources

This research guide provides resources to help with the assignments in Kay Harrison's ENGL 1102 course.

Avoiding plagiarism- When, what and HOW to cite

When you are using the ideas and thoughts of others, you need to let the reader of your work know WHERE that information came from.

There are several ways to do this.

  • Direct quotes: This is when you use the exact words of the author in your writing for a paper, essay or assignment.
    • Example: "If everyone fought for their own convictions there would be no war" (Tolstoy, 1869).
      • Direct quotations should be used sparingly!
  • Paraphrase: This is when you restate the author's idea in your own words. It is typically about the same length as the author's statement.
  • Summarizing: This is when you take a larger selection of main points of the author, and state them concisely in your own words.
  • Works Cited: This is a list of the sources that you used. This allows the reader of your work to explore the content of your sources on their own.