Project 2: In depth research about a global application of topic from one of the following (as relating to one interdisciplinary theme found below): Weathering, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphism, Crustal Deformation, Earthquakes, Groundwater, Streams, Shorelines, Mass Wasting
INTERDISCIPLINARY THEME 1: Geology and human suffering – children mining minerals, earthquakes in poverty-stricken areas, soil loss and food insecurity, etc
INTERDISCIPLINARY THEME 2: Geology and military conflict – water wars between enemy nations, politics of petroleum trade, structural geology and impact on troop movements in WW2, etc
INTERDISICPLINARY THEME 3: Geology and Economic Development (nation building)
Below are links to library ebooks on the following topics.
Covers topics related to the environment, including agriculture, renewable energy sources, pollution, and more, 1880-present.
When you encounter any kind of source, consider:
*Credit: Berkeley Library