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HIST 4990: The Rise and Fall of Apartheid in South Africa, 1948-1994: Articles

Databases available at GSU

Databases available at Emory

The Emory University Library also has the following databases, which include both primary and secondary sources.

As a GSU student, you have access to Emory's libraries with your PantherCard. Check with the reference librarian about using the databases.

Finding Articles

Use keyword searching in relevant databases. Brainstorm different keywords for your topic and see what happens.

Use Boolean searching (AND, OR, NOT) to expand or narrow your searches. 

Use the drop-down boxes in the database's Advanced Search to help you narrow or expand your search.

When you find a relevant item, click on the record and look for subject terms. Clicking on a subject term will bring up other related items.

Try your keywords and subject terms in other databases, and see what you find!

Subject Guide

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Leslie Madden
Library South
Suite 542

Boolean Searching

What's Boolean searching? Check out this video!