Use Reference Sources, such as encyclopedias, to get a general overview of your topic. They are not intended to be read cover-to-cover, but rather provide you with more concise information as you begin to explore a topic. Reference sources generally provide several things:
Different types of reference sources answer different types of questions.
Listed below are common types of reference sources for research in the study of Hinduism and the kind of information contained in each.
Click on the type of source to retrieve a list of titles owned by the Library.
Search GIL, the Library Catalog to find additional reference sources in the Library.
The following online encyclopedias and dictionaries are available to you from both on- and off-campus. For off-campus access, use your University logon and password (the same logon/password you use to log onto the campus computer lab computers).
The following print encyclopedias and dictionaries are just a few of the sources you will find in in the Reference Section on the 2nd floor of Library North. Please contact me if you need help finding additional reference resources for your research.