Databases and indexes tell you about reviews & articles that have appeared in periodicals.
Periodical (n.):
A magazine or journal issued at regular or
stated intervals (usually weekly, monthly, or quarterly).
Source: Oxford English Dictionary
Battleship Potemkin | dir. Sergei Eisenstein
Step 1: Go into Film & TV Literature Index
Step 2: Click "Choose Databases"
Step 3: Add a checkmark next to MLA International Bibliography, then click "OK"
Off-campus access to all databases is available via campus ID & password.
"Magic" search phrase for film research:
(film* OR movie* OR "motion picture" OR cinema*)
to search words as a phrase
for example: "bicycle thief"
as a wild card
for example: wom*n
AND between words to NARROW results
for example: cat AND dog
OR between words to EXPAND results
for example: cat OR kitten